User Account

This specifies local accounts to be created during installation.


  1. User Name specifies the user name for a LocalAccount to be created during installation.

  2. Group specifies the name of an existing local security group to which a new Local Account will be added during installation. You can add a user to multiple groups by entering multiple group names separated by semicolons. Specify the account names and group names by using language-neutral names. The language-neutral account and group names are specified in English - for example, Administrators, Power Users, and Guest. This is required because the shell account settings are processed before a default user interface (UI) language is applied to the computer.

  3. Description specifies a description of a Local Account to be created during installation.

  4. Password specifies the password for a Local Account to be created during installation.

  5. Auto Logon specifies whether the account has the ability to logon automatically.

  6. Enable UAC specifies whether Windows User Account Controls (UAC) notifies the user when programs try to make changes to the computer. UAC was formerly known as Limited User Account (LUA).




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